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Travel Marketing
Travel Marketing The internet is evolving by allowing travel agents to target their travel marketing to a set audience. This audience could be a certain age group, have certain hobbies, fit into a certain income band and want to visit a certain geographic location. How do they do this? Well by profiling the customer, travel agents can target their travel marketing to in an effective way. If we refer to the travel advertising model then if your travel market is corporate in the high income band then it is more likely you will list your holiday in the corporate holiday web site as this will be more relevant to your target market. By using effective travel marketing, Travel Advertising allows the travel agents to target a particular market on the internet. The travel advertising system also gives travel partners the option to specify their target audience and Travel Advertising will then build a web site for that particular travel location. This allows the travel marketing by travel partners to be either location specific, internet specific, e.g. skiing or even time specific e.g. worldcupholiday. If travel agents can target their travel marketing using the internet then it will become more effective for them to generate quality leads which in turn will have a better chance of conversion and result in increased revenues for the travel agent. To find out more about how Travel Advertising can help you with your Travel Marketing view our Membership benefits section.